Our Services

Intellectual Property

Information Tech Law

Regulatory & Compliance

Contract & Commercial

Privacy Law

Employment Law

Defamation Law

Dispute Resolution

Who Are We

Our Philosophy: Turn your ideas into assets™.

Sharon Givoni Consulting is a boutique law firm specialising in intellectual property and commercial law matters for businesses of all sizes.

Our principal, Sharon Givoni (Pictured), is a highly experienced lawyer. She is a creative problem solver & articulate communicator, dedicated to providing comprehensive legal advice in a straightforward & pragmatic manner.

Our Clients

Our clients come from a range of industries including IT, food and beverage, cosmetics, fashion, interior design, art, branding and marketing, and retail.

Whatever your business, we have the experience and depth of industry knowledge to tailor our advice to meet your needs.

What Clients Are Saying

Our Approach

We take a personalised approach in getting to know you and your business.

We tailor our legal advice to your business goals and objectives.

We respond promptly to your questions because we understand that your time is valuable.

Latest Insights

Protecting Your Creativity: Why Copyright Matters for Australian Creators

Protecting Your Creativity: Why Copyright Matters for Australian Creators As a creator, your work is more than just what you produce—it’s your passion, your livelihood, and […]


First to Market? Here’s How to Stop Others From Copying Your Idea

First to Market? Here’s How to Stop Others From Copying Your Idea In our previous blog, Protecting Your Creative Business Ideas Legally (https://sharongivoni.com.au/protecting-your-creative-business-ideas-legally-from-lego-to-logos/), we explored the […]


Are Your Privacy Policies Compliant? Protect Your Business Under Australian Law

Are Your Privacy Policies Compliant? Protect Your Business Under Australian Law Privacy. It sounds like a simple concept, right? Keep people’s information safe, don’t sell it […]


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