Are you starting a business? Do you wish to identify your goods or services with some kind of brand or logo? Then you may wish to register a trade mark.
A trade mark is essentially a “Sign” that distinguishes your goods or services from those of other traders. It acts as a “badge of origin” or “badge of quality.”
Examples of trade marks include words, logos, shapes, colours and aspects of packaging. We can assist you with your trade mark registration and Turn your ideas into assets™.

Why register a trade mark?
Registering a trade mark has many benefits. It will give you:
- The exclusive right to use the trade mark in relation to the goods or services for which you have registered it for
- The right to take legal action against those who infringe your trade mark
- The right to license and sell the trade mark
- Indefinite protection against infringement (registration can be renewed every ten years)
Trade Mark Services
We offer a range of services relating to trade mark registration and protection, including:
- Conducting thorough trade mark and marketplace searches
- Providing advice on whether a trade mark is likely to be registrable
- Registering your trade mark and actively protecting it from infringement both in Australia and overseas
- Filing or defending trade mark oppositions
- Developing trade mark usage guidelines for your business to ensure consistency of use by internal staff and external contractors
- Ensuring that you display proper symbols in conjunction with your trade marks
- Considering overseas protection when relevant