Seminars & Workshops
Sharon Givoni regularly runs seminars and workshops for educational institutions, businesses and industry associations.
The topics that Sharon can present on include:
- Branding and trade marks;
- The basic laws surrounding businesses;
- Proactive strategies for businesses to protect their IP;
- Recent developments in IP law;
- The nuts and bolts of copyright law and how it affects businesses;
- Ownership of IP and steps business should take to protect themselves;
- Unravelling the copyright/design overlap;
- Contractual issues that arise in IP;
- How to protect industrial designs, such as the shapes of products;
- Internet law and social media: legal tips and traps;
- IP issues for interior designers;
- IP issues for architects;
- Intellectual property issues arising in food law;
- Fashion law: recent updates and what designers need to know;
- Legal issues in photography;
- Legal issues in street art; and
- Many others

Past Seminars & Workshops
- The Real World VS The Digital World at the Melbourne Convention Centre
- Internet, Intellectual Property and your business at the Hawthorn Arts Centre
- Seminar presentation as guest speaker at Martin Higher Education
- Commercialising Copyright: Innovation and the ‘ideas boom’. Copyright in Social Media: Practical Risk Management
- Understanding copyright for creatives & small businesses, Sydney
- Intellectual property, packaging and labelling (legal training)
- Copyright in Social Media: Practical Risk Management
- Understanding Copyright for Creatives & Small Businesses, Sydney
- Intellectual Property, Packaging and Labelling (Legal Training)
- Reed Gift Fairs: The Law Made Easy for Creative Business
- LifeInstyle – Conversation series: Legal Tips and Trade for Retailers Made Easy
- Is this legal? – Creative Professional Development Series 2016
- Understanding Copyright for Creatives & Small Businesses
- Life in Style – Training Wheels
- The internet and social media – what you need to know legally speaking
- Design and Articles – Art & Life Workshop
- Brand Protection and Copyright Basics
- 2nd International Convention on the Economy of Innovation
- 2nd Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference
- Brick + Mortar Workshop: Copyright and Design Law for Creatives
- Unbilled Guest Speaker: Creative and the law – What you need to know
- Copyright & IP law… An essential course for creative people
- Australia’s Family Business 17th National Conference
- A Creative Guide to Copyright
- Seminar: Copyright, Contracts and the Law for Creatives with Sharon Givoni
- Seminar: Copyright and Design Law for Makers and Craftspeople