Credit: lum3n (Unsplash)
Navigating Legal Aspects of Creative Business Rebranding – Insights by Sharon Givoni
If you’re in the process of rebranding your creative business, you may want to convey a fresh message to your audience.
This holds particularly true for architects, designers, and creators aiming to reposition themselves for the post-pandemic era.
It has been said that: “In differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress.”
While the marketing aspect of rebranding is crucial, it’s equally vital to address the legal dimensions of this transformative journey.
It’s a common oversight for the legal considerations of rebranding to take a back seat. Prioritising legal factors early in the process paves the way for a seamless transition in the market.
Outlined below are key legal considerations that form a solid foundation for embarking on your rebranding journey.
Secure Your New Name
Before anything else, confirm that your chosen name is available. Early trade mark searches can prevent future complications. A similar or identical mark owned by someone else, even without registration, could lead to conflicts. The law’s focus is on consumer confusion – if consumers might mistake the two brands as connected, legal issues can arise.
Claim Your Domain Name
While securing domain names is essential, it’s insufficient without proper trade mark registration. Ensure domain names align with your trade name for consistent branding and effective marketing.
Evaluate Social Media Rebranding
Rebranding extends beyond trade mark registration. Consider social media handles and page names to maximise reach and conversion. Remember that business and domain names serve administrative purposes and don’t confer ownership rights.
Avoid Descriptiveness
Choose a name that isn’t overly descriptive. Names that are too generic or descriptive may be challenging to protect legally. Even subtle misspellings or foreign words with clear meanings can pose registration issues.
Safeguard Your Logo’s Originality
Copyright rules apply to logos. Ensure ownership of your logo, and avoid copying from other sources. Originality is key, and designers must create logos from scratch to prevent copyright infringement.
Case Study – Simone Haag: Protecting a Name
Simone Haag, a prominent interior designer and stylist, used her name as a brand foundation. To safeguard her investment and reputation, she registered her name as a trade mark. This move empowered her to signal her name’s value and assert her rights if similar names were used in the industry.
Tips for Successful Rebranding
One – Initiate legal assessments early to prevent future complications.
Two – Align domain names and social media handles with your brand for coherent marketing.
Three – Create unique logos and ensure you hold ownership to avoid copyright conflicts.
Copyright offers creators like her the power to protect their work and preserve their creative legacy as well as the right to make money from their work. By understanding the legal backbone of copyright, artists can confidently navigate the art world, ensuring their vision is respected and their creations remain untarnished.
Email us if you need assistance with your copyright or have a legal issue that you need to discuss.
Disclaimer: This article provides general information and does not constitute legal advice. To address specific legal matters, consult a legal professional.